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Accelerate Fat Loss By Doing This One Simple Thing

How often do you forget to eat breakfast and maybe even lunch?  What you might not know is that in doing this, you are inadvertently intermittently fasting. Perhaps you have heard that skipping meals leads to weight gain. However, when done right and regularly, intermittent fasting can result in increased energy and lasting fat loss. But, it must be done right.

Intermittent fasting occurs when you allow yourself to eat only during a limited window rather than eating 3 or more regular meals throughout the day. For example, a person doing intermittent fasting may only eat between 12 pm and 8 pm, or in more strict fasting plans, only every other day. The idea behind it is that the time and frequency of eating is even more important for health and weight loss than the number of calories you take in.

Throughout history, humanity has always been on some kind of intermittent fast. As food supplies came and went, the body responded by building muscle and fatty tissue during a time of plenty and utilizing the stores for energy during the lean times. Fasting for periods allows for the elimination of waste left by dead and damaged cells. This is thought to delay the signs of aging.

A closer look at the benefits of intermittent fasting

Types of intermittent fasts

There are six popular ways to intermittently fast. If you choose to try fasting, it is important to find the program that works best for you.

A few important reminders

No matter which fasting protocol you embrace, it is essential to remember a few crucial things.

Happy fasting and fat burning,

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